• Now We Get It!: Boosting Comprehension with Collaborative Strategic Reading, March/2012

Now We Get It!: Boosting Comprehension with Collaborative Strategic Reading, March/2012

Author(s) Janette K. Klingner, Sharon Vaughn, Alison Boardman, Elizabeth Swanson
ISBN10 1118026098
ISBN13 9781118026090
Format Paperback
Pages 208
Year Publish 2012 March


A proven method for teaching reading skills in mixed-ability classrooms

Collaborative Strategic Reading is an innovative new approach to teaching reading that weaves together two instructional programs: cooperative learning and reading comprehension strategy instruction. In small groups, students work through the four main steps-Preview, "Click and Clunk," Get the Gist, and Wrap Up-helping each other improve comprehension and increase reading fluency. This book offers a hands-on guide to implementing CSR in grades 4 through 12. It includes sample dialogues for teachers to use during instruction, ready-to-use activities, a wealth of classroom-ready materials, and tips for training on CSR.

Bonus web content includes a PowerPoint presentation on CSR and short video clips.

  1. A proven program for improving reading skills in mixed-ability classrooms
  2. Janette Klingner and bestselling author Sharon Vaughn are the originators of CSR
  3. CSR recently won a highly coveted i3 (Investing in Innovation) grant from the U.S. Department of Education

How to Teach Collaborative Strategic Reading helps educators, reading specialists, and staff developers create better readers through CSR.

About The Author:
Janette Klingner is a professor of education specializing in bilingual multicultural special education at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Sharon Vaughn is a professor at University of Texas-Austin and executive director of the Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk. Alison Boardman is an assistant research professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Elizabeth Swanson is a research assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin.