• Leading In Sync: Teacher Leaders and Principals Working Together for Student Learning, Aug/2018

Leading In Sync: Teacher Leaders and Principals Working Together for Student Learning, Aug/2018

Author(s) Jill Harrison Berg
ISBN10 1416626476
ISBN13 9781416626473
Format Paperback
Pages 192
Year Publish 2018 August


Teacher leadership holds great promise for improving the quality of teaching and ensuring student success. But for co-performance of leadership among teacher leaders and principals to be effective, they must learn to lead in sync. Leading In Sync: Teacher Leaders and Principals Working Together for Student Learning provides principals, assistant principals, coaches, department leaders, grade-level and content team leaders, mentors, professional development leaders, and in fact all teachers with the strategies and tools needed to

  1. Examine their own thinking about what constitutes high-quality teaching so they can work toward a shared vision.
  2. Identify teachers’ many strengths as potential assets for achieving the shared vision.
  3. Recognize ways in which most teachers are already leading.
  4. Support leadership collaboration through efficient, effective communication.
  5. Develop trust required to learn to lead together.

Jill Harrison Berg offers thought-provoking context and reflection questions that enable educators to examine their unique settings; real-world examples of teachers and principals co-performing leadership to improve student success; and dozens of strategies, tools, and templates to facilitate leading in sync.
This book includes a link to free downloadable tools.