• Sustaining Change in Schools: How to Overcome Differences and Focus on Quality

Sustaining Change in Schools: How to Overcome Differences and Focus on Quality

Author(s) Daniel P. Johnson
ISBN10 1416601473
ISBN13 9781416601470
Format Paperback
Pages 183
Year Publish 2005 May


When educators, parents, and diverse groups in your community have different views of what makes a quality school, here's a book that will help you overcome these differences and form partnerships for ensuring all students succeed.
Based on a proven process used by school districts for more than 25 years, this leadership guide introduces you to

    ? The "four Ps" of leadership and management that help you link the unique traits of your school to the personality of your community
    ? Questions that transform decision making from a political exercise to a data-driven activity
    ? Four protocols of leadership that ensure day-to-day school tasks are connected to the district's strategic goals
    ? Strategies for managing the personalities and attitudes that influence the school improvement process
    ? A Task Analysis Checklist for managing daily tasks and the people who implement them

Discover an educator-tested process that will help you sustain quality schools over time and across groups and communities.