• Become the Person You Have Always Wanted to Be

Become the Person You Have Always Wanted to Be

Author(s) Steve Chandler
ISBN10 9833246060
ISBN13 9789833246069
Format Paperback
Pages 220
Year Publish 2005 July


Steve Chandler opens this powerful book with the image of a cocoon, the cocoon of personality. The cocoon that traps us into nagative or limited thinking about who are and what we can become. Stve then gives us a choice: Either we can continue to think of ourselves as victims, or we can take ownship of our lives and extend our possibilities in limitless directons.

Think of Elvis Presley, and how he did't just sing the song, he owned it, poured his spirit into in. Or Michael Jordan, not just plaing basketball, but defining his inner self as spars to the basket.

Within each of us is an inspiration--a spark of insigh about the person we were meant to be. Become The Person You've Always Wanted To Be helps us name that vision...to call it ours and to begin to make it happen. We really can become the people we've always wanted to be. Steve Chandlet tells us how.

About Thar Author:
Steve Chandler is the author of 100 ways to Motivate Yourself and 100 Ways to Motivate Others. He is a celebrated public speaker and corporate trainer who delivers relationship and motivational workshop throughout the United State and Canada. Steve has been called by PBS "an insane combination of Jerry Seinfeld and Anthony Robbins", and King Features columnist Dal Dauten said after attending a Steve Chandlet speech, "If you take the best of Wayne Dyer and add it to the best of Anthony Robbins, what you would have would only be half as good as Steve Candler.