• The Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students, July/2016

The Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students, July/2016

Author(s) Thomas Armstrong
ISBN10 1416621873
ISBN13 9781416621874
Format Paperback
Pages 202
Year Publish 2016 July


Adolescents are called moody, reckless, impractical, insecure, and distracted. However, they also possess insight, passion, idealism, sensitivity, and creativity. Award-winning author Thomas Armstrong looks at the teenage brain from an empathetic, strength-based perspective—and describes how educators can make the most of their students’ potential. Grounded in current neurological research, this book explains how the adolescent brain works and proposes eight instructional elements to

  • Help students develop the ability to think.
  • Make healthy choices.
  • Regulate their emotions.
  • Handle social conflict.
  • Consolidate their identities.
  • Learn enough about the world to move into adulthood with dignity and grace.


There is a colossal mismatch between how the adolescent brain has evolved and the passive, rote learning experiences that are all too often provided at the secondary level. This book will help you wire positive changes into your students' brains that will serve them well in school and beyond.