• The End of Molasses Classes: Getting Our Kids Unstuck--101 Extraordinary Solutions for Parents and Teachers, April/2012

The End of Molasses Classes: Getting Our Kids Unstuck--101 Extraordinary Solutions for Parents and Teachers, April/2012

Author(s) Ron Clark
ISBN10 1451639740
ISBN13 9781451639742
Format Paperback
Pages 352
Year Publish 2012 April


New York Times bestselling author and educator Ron Clark challenges parents, teachers, and communities everywhere embrace a difference in the classroom and uplift, educate, and empower our children.

Read this book to find out why so many across the country have embraced these powerful rules. 

  1. Set the electric tone on day one
  2. Teach your children how to study—don’t expect it to come naturally
  3. Don’t constantly stress about test scores
  4. Not every child deserves a cookie
  5. Lift up your teachers. No, really, lift them up!
  6. If kids like you all the time, you’re doing something wrong
  7. Don’t be a penny parent 

Be different. Be bold. Join in. —Ron Clark 

About The Author:
Ron Clark, New York Times bestselling author of The Essential 55, has been named "American Teacher of the Year" by Disney and was Oprah Winfrey's pick as her "Phenomenal Man." He founded The Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, Georgia, which more than 10,000 educators from around the world have visited to learn about the extraordinary ways that teachers and parents of RCA have helped children achieve great success.