• Career Development and Counseling: Putting Theory and Research to Work, 3rd Edition, Nov/2020

Career Development and Counseling: Putting Theory and Research to Work, 3rd Edition, Nov/2020

Author(s) Steven D. Brown, Robert W. Lent
ISBN10 1119580358
ISBN13 9781119580355
Format Hardcover
Pages 880
Year Publish 2020 November


Career Development and Counseling focuses selectively on the theories that are empirically supported and useful in practice rather than an encyclopedic survey of every theory, regardless of relevance. The goal of the book is the promotion of scientifically-informed career practices from an interdisciplinary perspective. The editors and contributors draw on industrial/organizational psychology, personality psychology, etc. to further deepen their exploration of different career theories. The book begins with a new introductory chapter that highlights the importance of and need for career counseling in the 21st century. The first section covers the major empirically supported theories and section two looks at the roles of diversity, individual difference, and social factors in the career development process. Section three includes separate sections devoted to the assessment of important career constructs and occupational information systems. Section four explores the interventions for working with career issues across the lifespan.

About The Authors:

Steven D. Brown, PhD, is a Professor in the School of Education at Loyola University, Chicago. His research is focused on vocational psychology and applied psychological measurement.

Robert W. PhD, is a Professor in the College of Education at the University of Maryland, College Park. His research is focused on career and academic development, counselor training and supervision, and psychological wellness.