• The Fundamentals of Literacy Coaching

The Fundamentals of Literacy Coaching

Author(s) Amy Sandvold, Maelou Baxter
ISBN10 1416606777
ISBN13 9781416606772
Format Paperback
Pages 106
Year Publish 2008 April


This book contains strategies for effective literacy coaching of teachers in districts and schools. Whether it’s your job to start a literacy coaching initiative or to be an effective literacy coach to your colleagues, this guide has all the steps and strategies you need:

  1.  Roles and responsibilities of literacy coaches
  2. Keys to building positive collaboration among literacy coaches, support staff, and faculty members
  3. Fundamentals of adult learning that apply in a coaching relationship
  4. Routines that support and sustain a coaching effort
  5. Ideas to help you monitor the effectiveness of your initiative
  6. Ways to communicate effectively to students and fellow teachers

Sample documents you need—such as job descriptions, scheduling forms, and data gathering tools—are included to help you quickly start your program or speed your coaching activities.