• Common Core Standards for High School Mathematics: A Quick-Start Guide, Nov/2012

Common Core Standards for High School Mathematics: A Quick-Start Guide, Nov/2012

Author(s) John Kendall (Ed.), Kathleen Dempsey, Armitra Schwols
ISBN10 1416614621
ISBN13 9781416614623
Format Paperback
Pages 160
Year Publish 2012 November


Shifting your high school's math program to new Common Core standards is much easier when teachers and leaders have this handy guide. Getting a copy for every staff member involved in the process ensures everyone knows

  • How the six conceptual categories throughout the math standards are connected and reinforced.
  • How the modeling standards bring math content to life through real-world applications.
  • How the mathematical practices standards are an integral part of the Common Core.

  • To jumpstart your standards implementation, the standards are provided in easy-to-read narrative form, and there's a lesson design template based on Classroom Instruction that Works, 2nd Edition with three sample lessons, so you and your colleagues can see the implications and advantages of teaching the Common Core