• Using Data to Focus Instructional Improvement, Feb/2013

Using Data to Focus Instructional Improvement, Feb/2013

Author(s) Diane K. Lapp, Nancy E. Frey, Douglas B. Fisher, Cheryl James-Ward
ISBN10 1416614842
ISBN13 9781416614845
Format Paperback
Pages 132
Year Publish 2013 February


Discover how to improve student outcomes by acting on your school's data—learn how to analyze and process it to energize your teaching and advance your school's instructional practices. Starting with a review of all the data sources available to you—not just test scores—the authors offer simple instructions that focus improvement efforts and result in increasing teacher expertise. The guidance in this book helps you

  • Ensure that your school’s data analysis leads to actual improvements in instruction.
  • Identify the most critical needs of your students and the best opportunities for improvement within the school’s sphere of influence.
  • Conduct a root cause analysis to understand the relationships among contributing factors to the defined problems.
  • Use insights highlighted through data analysis to develop goals and objectives that can drive school improvement forward.
  • Develop a sound intervention plan that transforms ideas into action with realistic checkpoints and opportunities for adjustments along the way