• The Motivated Brain: Improving Student Attention, Engagement, And Perseverance, Sep/2015

The Motivated Brain: Improving Student Attention, Engagement, And Perseverance, Sep/2015

Author(s) Gayle Gregory, Martha Kaufeldt
ISBN10 1416620486
ISBN13 9781416620488
Format Paperback
Pages 168
Year Publish 2015 September


Neuroscientists searching for the elusive “X factor” for motivation have made fascinating new discoveries about the brain and its natural tendency to impel us to seek out and eagerly anticipate the things we need. Find out how to activate this natural capacity in your classroom to send student motivation and engagement to greater heights than you ever have before. Renowned educators Gayle Gregory and Martha Kaufeldt take you on a tour of the brain's "seeking system" and explain the learning conditions and teaching practices that encourage it to thrive. These field-tested approaches, strategies, tools, and templates make it easier for you to

  1. Prepare motivational “brain-friendly” environments and lessons that stimulate student engagement, inviting collaboration and spontaneous play.
  2. Improve knowledge acquisition by appealing to students' needs and preferences and by orchestrating time to explore and make choices.
  3. Get students into a state of flow that helps increase their depth of knowledge and complex thinking skills.
  4. Address school factors that may lower students' motivation and engagement in learning.
  5. Find out how to harness the power of your students’ intrinsic motivation to make learning fun, engaging, and meaningful.

About the Authors:

Gayle Gregory is an internationally known consultant who has specialized in brain compatible learning and differentiated instruction and assessment. She presents practical teacher/student-friendly strategies grounded in sound research that educators find easy to use in the classroom or schoolhouse tomorrow. Her interactive style and modelling of strategies help teachers and administrators transfer new ideas with ease.

Martha Kaufeldt is a full-time trainer and consultant with an extensive background in brain-compatible teaching and learning. She has taught at all grade levels, served as a district level gifted coordinator and staff developer, and was the Lead Teacher and restructuring coordinator of a demonstration "brain-compatible" school.