• Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners Facilitator's Handbook, 2014

Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners Facilitator's Handbook, 2014

Author(s) Paula Rutherford
ISBN10 0979728096
ISBN13 9780979728099
Format Paperback With CD
Pages 234
Year Publish 2014


This 234-page facilitator’s handbook is the perfect tool for principals, professional developers, and teacher leaders to use in planning a comprehensive year-long professional development program. It can also be used to plan focused data-driven discussions around specific challenging issues that teachers are facing on a daily basis. Each of the 30 to 60 minute exercises include the purpose, the time needed, the materials to use, the process to follow, and suggestions for follow-up professional practice in the classroom. All handouts are included in hard copy and on a CD-ROM.