• The Better Writing Breakthrough: Connecting Student Thinking And Discussion To Inspire Great Writing, March/2016

The Better Writing Breakthrough: Connecting Student Thinking And Discussion To Inspire Great Writing, March/2016

Author(s) Eleanor Dougherty, Laura Billings, Terry Roberts
ISBN10 1416618848
ISBN13 9781416618843
Format Paperback
Pages 180
Year Publish 2016 March


Have you faced the challenge of trying to engage struggling readers and writers in writing assignments only to be met with empty stares and blank sheets of paper? Learn how to use the Discourse and Writing Cycle, a highly effective instructional technique that takes the guessing out of the process of teaching writing across different subject areas in grades 4–12. This practical and field-tested method consists of the three interrelated sequences of the cycle—the Discourse Sequence, the Transition to Writing Sequence, and the Writing Sequence. The authors show content area teachers how the process of structured classroom discussion on a carefully chosen text, followed by writing, works in their grades—from upper elementary through high school classes in English language arts, math, science, and social studies—and provide clear models for implementation.

This book takes you to the next level of writing instruction with insights on the prominence of argument writing in the literacy standards, the importance of building content knowledge through nonfiction texts, and the significance of using textual evidence to support analysis.

Classroom examples and sample lessons make it easier for you to inspire students to become confident and competent writers.