• Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide, 3rd Edition, Jan/2018

Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide, 3rd Edition, Jan/2018

Author(s) Linda Suskie
ISBN10 1119426936
ISBN13 9781119426936
Format Paperback
Pages 408
Year Publish 2018 January


Assessing Student Learning is a standard reference for college faculty and administrators, and the third edition of this highly regarded book continues to offer comprehensive, practical, plainspoken guidance. The third edition adds a stronger emphasis on making assessment useful; greater attention to building a culture in which assessment is used to inform important decisions; an enhanced focus on the many settings of assessment, especially general education and co-curricula; a new emphasis on synthesizing evidence of student learning into an overall picture of an integrated learning experience; new chapters on curriculum design and assessing the hard-to-assess; more thorough information on organizing assessment processes; new frameworks for rubric design and setting standards and targets; and many new resources. Faculty, administrators, new and experienced assessment practitioners, and students in graduate courses on higher education assessment will all find this a valuable addition to their bookshelves.

About The Author:

Linda Suskie, internationally acclaimed writer, speaker, trainer, and consultant on higher education assessment, is a vice president of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.