• Questioning Strategies to Activate Student Thinking (Quick Reference Guide)

Questioning Strategies to Activate Student Thinking (Quick Reference Guide)

Author(s) Jackie Acree Walsh
ISBN10 1416624058
ISBN13 9781416624059
Format 3-Hole Punched, 3 Laminated Panels
Pages 6
Year Publish 2017 March


When planned and executed in a strategic manner, classroom questioning is an effective way to engage all learners in thinking and speaking related to learning goals. This guide will help teachers

  1. Connect students to learning goals
  2. Hold all students accountable for responding
  3. Scaffold and support student thinking
  4. Encourage student questions and self-assessment
  5. Use student responses as feedback to inform teaching and learning

The guide's many tips and examples will help teachers develop questioning practices that motivate students and activate their thinking.

About the Author:

Jackie Acree Walsh is an independent educational consultant who partners with educators across the country to enhance teaching and leading in classrooms, schools, and districts. Based in Montgomery, Alabama, Jackie is also the lead consultant for the Alabama Best Practices Center, which affords her the opportunity to work with networks of school teams, district teams, instructional partners, and superintendents.