• Effective Teaching & Learning Using Interactive Whiteboards (Primary School)

Effective Teaching & Learning Using Interactive Whiteboards (Primary School)

Author(s) Ambit
Format DVD
Pages 0
Year Publish 2007


Interactive Whiteboards provide teachers with a dynamic and engaging set of learning resources for any subject and any age group. Most schools have Interactive Whiteboards but often and for a number of reasons, the potential of the technology in enhancing the learning experience and in bringing focus and order to the classroom isn't fully realised. Research has shown that although initial enthusiasm for Whiteboards is usually high, after a time, actual utilisation can drop off. Some of the notable reasons for this are…
    ? Installation, connection and security
    ? Setting it up
    ? Access to/creation of curriculum materials
    ? Reassuring the technophobes
    ? Learning how to operate the board effectively
    ? Who gets it?
    ? Managing access and spreading best practice
    ? Cost and funding issues of providing sufficient facilities

This whole school, DVD - based course is designed to engage teachers by demonstrating the clear and dramatic advantages that Interactive Whiteboards bring to the learning process. It explores how enhancements in pupil engagement and classroom control are complemented by wider opportunities to deliver individualised learning for children of all levels and learning preferences. It emphasises how easy the technology is to use and provides a large reservoir of generic and subject specific ideas for lesson design and delivery. The course aims:

    ? To demonstrate the full range of capabilities of an interactive whiteboard
    ? To explore the teaching strategies that result in effective individual pupil learning
    ? To explain the advantages of using an interactive whiteboard for whole class teaching
    ? To suggest interactive whiteboard activities that will result in enhanced teaching and learning
    ? And to offer a radical view of what the classroom of the future might look like

It also provides an ''easy - reference'' module which shows the features of an interactive whiteboard with a short tutorial on each.

At the end of this course, participants will be fully knowledgeable, confident and motivated to start creating and delivering diverse and differentiated lessons using this easy and powerful technology.