• Future-Focused Leadership: Preparing Schools, Students, and Communities for Tomorrow's Realities

Future-Focused Leadership: Preparing Schools, Students, and Communities for Tomorrow's Realities

Author(s) Gary Marx
ISBN10 1416602194
ISBN13 9781416602194
Format Paperback
Pages 200
Year Publish 2006 January


If you've ever thought that you should spend less time reacting to events and more time anticipating changes that lurk just around the corner, then here's a book that gives you the ideas and vision you need to be a future-focused leader.

Drawing from demographic trends and timeless wisdom, author Gary Marx outfits you with a living strategy that includes
    ? 16 trends that will profoundly affect education
    ? 8 ways to scan your environment and stay in touch with the world around you
    ? A plan for setting priorities based on probabilities
    ? A 4-step issue management process
    ? Steps to developing plausible scenarios for guiding strategic planning
    ? 16 activities that make up an effective, future-focused communications system