• The Key Elements of Classroom Management: Managing Time and Space, Student Behavior, and Instructional Strategies

The Key Elements of Classroom Management: Managing Time and Space, Student Behavior, and Instructional Strategies

Author(s) Joyce Mcleod, Jan Fisher, Ginny Hoover
ISBN10 0871207877
ISBN13 9780871207876
Format Paperback
Pages 195
Year Publish 2003 August


What all new and developing teachers need: the real basics of effective classroom management distilled in an easy-to-read guide they can quickly scan for time-saving tips or read in-depth to improve long-term performance.

Three veteran teacher-authors explain the essentials:

    ? Setting up your classroom and establishing routines
    ? Pacing the curriculum and dealing with transitions and interruptions
    ? Preventing the most common discipline problems and effectively handling them when they occur
    ? Selecting the right instructional strategy to fit the students and the information to be learned