• Giving Effective Feedback to Your Students, Disc 1: The Impact on Student Achievement, Nov/2009

Giving Effective Feedback to Your Students, Disc 1: The Impact on Student Achievement, Nov/2009

Author(s) One 30-minute DVD with a professional development program
ISBN13 609104S25 [Stock Number]
Format DVD
Pages 0
Year Publish 2009 November


Use this 30-minute DVD in your next workshop or teacher meeting to explain how effective feedback leads to increased student achievement. Drawing from the ASCD best-selling book How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students by Susan M. Brookhart, this DVD explains:
    ? The relationship of effective feedback and formative assessment.
    ? The impact of effective feedback upon student achievement.
    ? How effective feedback helps students improve their performance.
    ? Characteristics of effective feedback.
    ? Four key priorities for effective feedback: timing, amount, mode, and audience.
An embedded professional development program with accompanying PowerPoint presentation and handouts is included.