• The Language-Rich Classroom: A Research-Based Framework for Teaching English Language Learners, July/2009

The Language-Rich Classroom: A Research-Based Framework for Teaching English Language Learners, July/2009

Author(s) Persida Himmele, William Himmele
ISBN10 1416608419
ISBN13 9781416608417
Format Paperback
Pages 197
Year Publish 2009 July


Because it takes more than just a single teacher—or group of teachers—to raise the academic achievement of English language learners (ELLs), you need this book’s schoolwide framework to help all ELLs reach their full potential. Discover a way to empower all teachers—even those with no formal training in ESL—with a research-based approach that includes
    ? Content reading strategies that help ELLs overcome the challenges of academic reading.
    ? Ways to develop the higher-order thinking skills of ELLs, so they read for deeper meaning and demonstrate their understandings.
    ? Tools for informally assessing the progress of ELLs through all five stages of language proficiency.
    ? Techniques for increasing the active participation of ELLs.
    ? Scaffolds that help second-language learners take on more challenging and demanding content.
To help teachers use this framework right away, the authors include lots of field-tested unit and lesson planning worksheets, assessment logs, and instructional steps.