• The Interactive Lecture: How to Engage Students, Build Memory, and Deepen Comprehension (A Strategic Teacher PLC Guide), July/2010

The Interactive Lecture: How to Engage Students, Build Memory, and Deepen Comprehension (A Strategic Teacher PLC Guide), July/2010

Author(s) Harvey F. Silver, Matthew J. Perini
ISBN10 1416610731
ISBN13 9781416610731
Format Paperback
Pages 82
Year Publish 2010 July


When you want to implement the ideas from our ultimate guide to teaching strategies, The Strategic Teacher, here’s the tool you need for mastering the Interactive Lecture. Use the activities, sample lectures, and planning forms with a group of teachers to learn

  • What an Interactive Lecture is and how it can help you incorporate memory-enhancing techniques into your instruction.
  • How to plan and implement an Interactive Lecture and take a [test run] with a critical friend to provide feedback on the lecture.
  • How to evaluate the feedback from your first lesson and use it to implement another lesson.
  • What to look for in student work to help you improve instructional decision making.

  • Be sure to order enough guides to enable every teacher to engage in all the hands-on learning activities.