• Fostering Grit: How do I prepare my students for the real world? (ASCD Arias), Aug/2013

Fostering Grit: How do I prepare my students for the real world? (ASCD Arias), Aug/2013

Author(s) Thomas R. Hoerr
ISBN10 1416617078
ISBN13 9781416617075
Format Paperback
Pages 48
Year Publish 2013 August


In addition to teaching students how to read, write, and calculate, you want students to acquire other skills for success in the real world. That means teaching them to develop grit—a combination of tenacity and perseverance and a willingness to take risks and bounce back from failure. Explore what teaching for grit looks like, and get a sample lesson plan with self-assessments and a six-step process applicable across grade levels and content areas to help students build skills they need.