• Learning Disabilities: A to Z: A Complete Guide to Learning Disabilities from Preschool to Adulthood (Revised and Updated)

Learning Disabilities: A to Z: A Complete Guide to Learning Disabilities from Preschool to Adulthood (Revised and Updated)

Author(s) Corinne Smith Ph.D. and Lisa Strick
ISBN10 143915869X
ISBN13 9781439158692
Format Paperback
Pages 528
Year Publish 2010 September


The world of learning disabilities is undeniably complicated and challenging. Shining a bright light into this territory, Learning Disabilities: A to Z has long been the trusted resource for parents, helping them navigate the tough issues and arming them with the knowledge necessary to advocate for their children at school. Covering every stage of development from the first day of preschool to the first day on the job, this updated edition also addresses current topics:

  • Important new discoveries in brain function and information processing
  • Education reforms made under the No Child Left Behind Act
  • Significant advances in educational technology, information on testing, medication, improving behavior and motivation, and more . . .

Corinne Smith, a leading expert in the field of learning disabilities, and Lisa Strick, a writer who knows firsthand the challenges of raising a child with learning problems, have brilliantly updated their essential guide for parents and teaching professionals. Compassionate and encouraging, Learning Disabilities: A to Z will continue to be the book parents reach for again and again as their children grow.

About The Author:
Corinne R. Smith, Ph.D., Professor of Teaching and Leadership and former Dean of Education at Syracuse University, is author of one of the leading textbooks on learning disabilities. She chairs Syracuse University's renowned teacher education programs. She lives in Fayetteville, New York.

Lisa Strick is a freelance writer who for many years has produced features on family and education for national magazines. She is the mother of two grown sons, one of whom has a learning disability. She lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.