• Linking Teacher Evaluation and Student Learning

Linking Teacher Evaluation and Student Learning

Author(s) Pamela D. Tucker, James H. Stronge
ISBN10 1416600329
ISBN13 9781416600329
Format Paperback
Pages 176
Year Publish 2005 April


If you've ever doubted that it was fair or effective to judge teachers on the basis of student test scores alone, then here's a book that will introduce you to better ways to use measures of student achievement in your teacher assessment system.

The authors take you to four schools to show you how to link teacher performance to student learning by using the following objective measurements:

    ? Quality of student work and how it reflects the outcomes specified and taught by the teacher
    ? Level of student content knowledge during pre- and post-instruction assessments
    ? Student progress toward annual, quantifiable academic goals
    ? Learning gains achieved by students in relation to their growth-rates in previous years
Appendixes filled with organizers and rubrics give you hands-on ways to adapt the book's methodologies to your own situation.