• Vocab In Action: Critical Strategies For Your Classroom DVD, July/2014

Vocab In Action: Critical Strategies For Your Classroom DVD, July/2014

Author(s) Marilee Sprenger
ISBN10 1416617698
ISBN13 9781416617693
Format DVD
Pages One 45-minute DVD
Year Publish 2014 July


This video takes you and your colleagues to schools that use smart, fun, and engaging strategies to build students' vocabulary and boost their knowledge of the key words they need to know for the Common Core State Standards. Drawing from the ASCD best-selling bookTeaching the Critical Vocabulary of the Common Core: 55 Words That Make or Break Student Achievement, video scenes show teachers using fun strategies like jingles, movements, and graphic organizers to teach key words. Hear author Marilee Sprenger explain how to put brain research–based, time-saving strategies for mastering vocabulary into action. And introduce teachers to easy-to-implement, 10-minute or shorter mini-lessons that help students build a robust vocabulary and develop greater confidence in reading, writing, and testing.