• The Mentee's Guide: Making Mentoring Work for You, June/2009

The Mentee's Guide: Making Mentoring Work for You, June/2009

Author(s) Lois J. Zachary, Lory A. Fischler
ISBN10 0470343583
ISBN13 9780470343586
Format Paperback
Pages 176
Year Publish 2009 June


This volume offers a companion guide to the best-selling book The Mentor’s Guide. This practical book offers ideas and suggestions for making the most of a mentoring opportunity for the person being mentored. It shows how to prepare for, sustain, and bring to closure the important mentor/mentee relationship. The author guides mentees through the four phases of the mentoring process and outlines the SMART method (specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic and timely). The book offers valuable advice for any mentee whether in the nonprofit, corporate, or government sector.

About The Authors:
Lois J. Zachary is president of Leadership Development Services, LLC, a Phoenix-based consulting firm providing leadership development, coaching, education, and training for corporate and nonprofit organizations. She is an internationally recognized expert in mentoring and the author of the best-selling companion titles The Mentor's Guide and Creating a Mentoring Culture, both from Jossey-Bass.

Lory A. Fischler is senior associate with Leadership Development Services. She serves as the company's program development specialist and is responsible for building client-customized mentoring and leadership training programs. She is also the creator of Leadership Development Services' unique Effective Meeting Model as well as a work style inventory that promotes self-understanding and team interaction.