• LPI: Leadership Practices Inventory Self, 4th Edition, Oct/2012

LPI: Leadership Practices Inventory Self, 4th Edition, Oct/2012

Author(s) James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner
ISBN10 1118182715
ISBN13 9781118182710
Format Paperback
Pages 4
Year Publish 2012 October


The LPI: Self is the 30-item self assessment associated with the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) 4th Edition product suite.

The Leadership Practices Inventory is the best-selling and most trusted leadership tool of its generation. This celebrated instrument packages approaches leadership as a measurable, learnable, and teachable set of behaviors. The 360-degree toll helps individuals and organizations measure their leadership competencies, while guiding them through the process of applying Kouzes and Posner's acclaimed Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership model to real-life organizational challenges.

With The Leadership Challenge, 5th Edition leading the way, it is time to update the Leadership Practices Inventory materials. In this 4th edition, customers will find:

  1.  A fresh, modern look to the materials, including the feedback reports
  2. A group comparison report page
  3. A shorter workbook specifically designed for debriefing and understanding the Feedback Report
  4. The latest data on the model