• Teambuilding: Cooperative Learning Structures  (All Grade)

Teambuilding: Cooperative Learning Structures (All Grade)

Author(s) Laurie Kagan, Miguel Kagan, Spencer Kagan
ISBN10 1879097419
ISBN13 9781879097414
Format Paperback
Pages 232
Year Publish 1997 May


*(All Grades)

When students have the desire and ability to work together as a team, something magical happens—Together Everyone Achieves More! Students like working together, academic achievement goes up, and discipline problems become a thing of the past. Includes step-by-step instructions, hints, variations, over 100 teambuilding activities, and ready-to-use blackline masters for each of 14 favorite teambuilding structures like: Find-the-Fib, Team Interview, and Same-Different. Promote a positive class and team atmosphere in your classroom and watch as your students work together in harmony.