• Effective Classroom Communication Pocketbook (Teachers Pocketbook), Jan/2010

Effective Classroom Communication Pocketbook (Teachers Pocketbook), Jan/2010

Author(s) Richard Churches
ISBN10 1906610119
ISBN13 9781906610111
Format Paperback
Pages 128
Year Publish 2010 January


Research consistently shows that teacher effectiveness is about engagement, interaction, questioning, positive atmosphere, high expectations and suitable challenge. At the heart of all these areas is the ability to communicate effectively. How you do that minute by minute and second by second is fundamental to what children learn and remember and to how they behave. Richard Churches draws from a range of disciplines, such as psychology, NLP and neuroscience, to provide a practical compendium of communication expertise based on what highly effective teachers do. You'll find out how to use influential language patterns to support learning and positive behaviour; the secrets of body language and non-verbal communication; how to communicate to create the right emotional climate; effective questioning techniques; etc. Small changes to your current practice could lead to huge benefits in the classroom.

About the Author:
Richard Churches is a leading writer, trainer and speaker on communication skills, coaching, and influencing skills for teachers in the UK. Following a 15 year teaching career working with primary and secondary age children in the UK and abroad, Richard is now Principal Consultant for the National Programmes at CfBT Education Trust advising the DCSF and NCSL on a number of major government programmes.