• Moral Leadership: Getting to the Heart of School Improvement, Feb/1996

Moral Leadership: Getting to the Heart of School Improvement, Feb/1996

Author(s) Thomas J. Sergiovanni
ISBN10 0787902594
ISBN13 9780787902599
Format Paperback
Pages 200
Year Publish 1996 February


"A vision of what could (and probably should) be. . . . The reader may want to revisit some sections for further reflection."
--Educational Leadership

"An excellent book that offers much to the seasoned administrator and should be on the list of required reading for introductory administration classes."
--NASSP Bulletin

Moral Leadership shows how creating a new leadership practice--one with a moral dimension built around purpose, values, and beliefs--can transform a school from an organization to a community and inspire the kinds of commitment, devotion, and service that can make our schools great. Sergiovanni explains the importance of legitimizing emotion and getting in touch with basic values and connections with others. He reveals how true collegiality, based on shared work and common goals, leads to a natural interdepAndence among teachers and shows how a public declaration of values and purpose can help turn schools into virtuous communities where teachers are self-managers and professionalism is considered an ideal.

About The Author:
Thomas J. Sergiovanni is Lillian Radford Professor of Education and Administration, senior fellow at the Center for Educational Leadership, and founder of the Trinity Principal's Center at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. He is the author of several books, including Rethinking Leadership: A Collection of Articles, The Lifeworld of Leadership, Leadership for the Schoolhouse, and Building Community in Schools.