• Managing Your Classroom with Restorative Practices (Quick Reference Guide)

Managing Your Classroom with Restorative Practices (Quick Reference Guide)

Author(s) Dominique Smith, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey
ISBN10 1416624953
ISBN13 9781416624950
Format 3-Hole Punched, 3 Laminated Panels
Pages 6
Year Publish 2017 July


The goals of restorative practices are twofold: 1) build and maintain relationships and 2) repair relationships that have been harmed. Restorative practices are helpful for

  1. Creating a respectful classroom.
  2. Developing rapport with students.
  3. Managing conflicts.
  4. Establishing routines and expectations for positive student behavior.

This guide’s tips, strategies, sample questions and statements, and peacemaking tools will help teachers successfully use restorative practices in their classrooms.