• Tapping The Power Of Personalized Learning: A Roadmap For School Leaders, Feb/2016

Tapping The Power Of Personalized Learning: A Roadmap For School Leaders, Feb/2016

Author(s) James R. Rickabaugh, CESA-1
ISBN10 1416621571
ISBN13 9781416621577
Format Paperback
Pages 215
Year Publish 2016 January


What does personalized learning entail? What does it look like? And how do you go about improving your students’ learning experiences? An award-winning former superintendent and current director of the Institute for Personalized Learning (IPL) James Rickabaugh answers these questions in his powerful new book, Tapping the Power of Personalized Learning. The author presents the ground breaking results of the Institute’s half-decade of research, development, and practice: a simple but powerful model for personalizing students’ learning experiences by building their levels of commitment, ownership, and independence.
Tried and rigorously tested in urban, suburban, and rural districts—and in different academic and economic backgrounds—the IPL model has been proven to enhance student engagement and achievement at all levels. The book offers step-by-step guidance for implementing the model as well as

  1. A detailed overview of the research and work behind the model’s development.
  2. A complete introduction to the heart of the model—a comprehensive, multi-layered framework centered on the three core components of learner profiles, customized learning paths, and proficiency-based progress.
  3. Tools and activities for assessing and adjusting the model to meet the specific needs of students and staff.
  4. Strategies for increasing and reinforcing enthusiasm for the change process among everyone involved, from the classroom to the greater community.

Examples from real classrooms and schools, quotes from teachers and leaders, reflection questions, and implementation tools are included.