• The Quality School: Managing Students Without Coercion

The Quality School: Managing Students Without Coercion

Author(s) William Glasser, M.D.
ISBN10 0060952865
ISBN13 9780060952860
Format Paperback
Pages 192
Year Publish 1998 October


"This should be required reading by every school administator, every teacher, every board member and all university faculty involved in the training of teachers. There is no doubt that we need to squeeze all blame, all coerion and all criticism out of any people-related business. Not until we realize that schools are in a people business will we ever be able to make meaningful changes."
--Dr. Albert Mamary, former superintendent of schools, Johnson City, New York

About The Author:
William Glasser, M.D., is a world-renowned psychiatrist who lectures widely. His numerous books have sold 1.7 million copies, and he has trained thousands of counselors in his Choice Theory and Reality Therapy approaches. He is also the president of the William Glasser Institute in Los Angeles.