• The Educator's Guide to Preventing and Solving Discipline Problems

The Educator's Guide to Preventing and Solving Discipline Problems

Author(s) Mark Boynton, Christine Boynton
ISBN10 1416602372
ISBN13 9781416602378
Format Paperback
Pages 177
Year Publish 2005 November


Because you're unlikely to find the one approach that works for every ill-disciplined student and misbehaving class, this book gives you a comprehensive reference of strategies for preventing and solving discipline problems.

The authors--two former teachers and principals--cover virtually every aspect of effective discipline systems, including

    ? Crucial components of classroom discipline
    ? Universal techniques for teachers
    ? Building wide philosophies and methods of discipline
Whether you're new to your job or an old-hand--and regardless of your grade level or subject--you'll find lots of ideas you can use right away, such as
    ? Effective strategies for "fence rider kids" whose behavior is most apt to be influenced by discipline policies
    ? A "response hierarchy" for dealing with the inevitable classroom disruptions
    ? Can't-miss approaches for bullies and students with anger management issues or ADHD
    ? The best ways to deal with major rule violations