• Planning Effective Instruction for Ells (Quick Reference Guide)

Planning Effective Instruction for Ells (Quick Reference Guide)

Author(s) Persida Himmele, William Himmele
ISBN10 141662743X
ISBN13 9781416627432
Format 3-Hole Punched, 3 Laminated Panels
Pages 6
Year Publish 2019 February


Planning instruction for English language learners involves aligning students' needs with their proficiencies and using engaging strategies to build understanding. In this quick reference guide, ELL specialists Pérsida and William Himmele share practical strategies for ELL success based on the CHATS framework:

  1. Comprehension
  2. Higher-Order Thinking
  3. Assessment
  4. Total Participation Techniques
  5. Scaffolding

This research-based framework will help teachers ask the right questions and create effective plans to meet the linguistic and academic needs of ELLs. 

About the Author:

Dr. Pérsida Himmele was an elementary and middle school teacher in bilingual and multilingual classrooms in New York and southern California. She also served as a district administrator serving ELL students in a high-incidence district and has been a national and international consultant. She is an Associate Professor of language and literacy at Millersville University in southeastern Pennsylvania. 

She and her husband William coauthored the ASCD books- Total Participation Techniques: Making every student an active learner, and The Language-Rich Classroom: A research-based framework for teaching English language learners. They regularly conduct workshops on Total Participation Techniques and on bridging the achievement gap through their 5-part CHATS framework.