• Questioning for Classroom Discussion- Elementary School (DVD)

Questioning for Classroom Discussion- Elementary School (DVD)

Author(s) Jackie Walsh, Beth Sattes
ISBN10 1416622373
ISBN13 9781416622376
Format DVD
Pages One 70-minute DVD
Year Publish 2017


Discussion is the lifeblood of learning. And when it works, classrooms come alive. Students are engaged, ideas flow, and every voice is heard.  Quality questioning can invigorate and sustain meaningful discussions that lead to deeper understanding of content, higher-level thinking, and greater achievement not just in academics but also in life. Based on the work of education consultants and best-selling authors Jackie Acree Walsh and Beth Dankert Sattes, this video takes you to elementary school classrooms where teachers are using quality questioning practices to promote productive discussions. Walsh and Sattes present and analyze the DNA of productive discussions and discuss how a solid foundation supports different teacher-guided, small-group, and student-driven discussions. You’ll also see real-world examples of teachers planning for and conducting successful classroom discussions. Move students from passive participants to active meaning makers with Questioning for Classroom Discussion—Elementary.