• Scamper: Creative Games and Activities for Imagination Development, July/2008

Scamper: Creative Games and Activities for Imagination Development, July/2008

Author(s) Bob Eberle
ISBN10 1593633467
ISBN13 9781593633462
Format Paperback
Pages 96
Year Publish 2008 July


*(Grades 2-8)

This new edition of Scamper combines the activities formerly found in the original title plus Scamper On into one cohesive and user-friendly volume of the classic thinking skills games. Your students will develop their imaginations through a series of guided activities in which they imagine different events or things. Scamper is a creative thinking technique that helps students imagine the world in a completely new way. In this book, students are challenged to think creatively and develop their powers of imagination. Whether they think up new animals by combining characteristics of two very different animals, or try to imagine the perfect meal, students are motivated to create new ideas.

Each activity features a complete teacher script to be read aloud to students as they participate in a Scamper exercise. Teachers are led through each exercise with step-by-step cues on when to wait, how to modify the activity for more or less participation, and how to extend the activity.

Each of the imagination activities is designed to fit easily within class time and has been tested by an experienced educator. Ideal for helping students develop imagination for writing classes, the activities are also useful for any class where students must think creatively. By allowing students the freedom to explore their imaginations, they are able to better develop their creativity skills.