• Embedding Formative Assessment: Practical Techniques for K-12 Classrooms, June/2015

Embedding Formative Assessment: Practical Techniques for K-12 Classrooms, June/2015

Author(s) Dylan Wiliam, Siobhan Leahy
ISBN10 1941112293
ISBN13 9781941112298
Format Paperback
Pages 244
Year Publish 2015 June


Effective classroom formative assessment helps educators make minute-by-minute, day-by-day instructional decisions. This clear, practical guide for teachers centers on five key instructional strategies, along with an overview of each strategy and practical formative assessment techniques for implementing it in K-12 classrooms:

  1. Clarifying, sharing, and understanding learning intentions and success criteria
  2. Engineering productive discussion and activities that elicit evidence of learning
  3. Providing feedback that moves learners forward
  4. Activating students as learning resources for each other
  5. Activating students as owners of their own learning

The authors provide guidance on when and how to use the specific techniques, along with tips, cautions, and enhancements to sustain formative assessment.

About The Authors:

Dylan Wiliam is one of the world’s foremost education authorities. He has helped to successfully implement classroom formative assessment in thousands of schools all over the world, including the United States, Singapore, Sweden, Australia, and the United Kingdom. A two-part BBC series, “The Classroom Experiment,” tracked Dr. Wiliam’s work at one British middle school, showing how formative assessment strategies empower students, significantly increase engagement, and shift classroom responsibility from teachers to their students so that students become agents of and collaborators in their own learning.

Dylan Wiliam is Emeritus Professor of Educational Assessment at University College London. After a first degree in mathematics and physics, he taught in urban schools for seven years, during which time he earned further degrees in mathematics and mathematics education.

Siobhán Leahy, MS, was a principal of three secondary schools for 17 years. She has practical experience with embedding classroom formative assessment through implementation of teacher learning communities. She is co-author and developer, with Dylan Wiliam on several publications. She received her Master of Science from South Bank University, London, and her Bachelor of Science in Management Sciences from the University of Warwick, UK.

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