• The Highly Engaged Classroom, October/2010

The Highly Engaged Classroom, October/2010

Author(s) Robert J. Marzano, Debra J. Pickering
ISBN10 0982259247
ISBN13 9780982259245
Format Paperback
Pages 240
Year Publish 2010 October


Student engagement happens as a result of a teacher’s careful planning and execution of specific strategies. This basic premise drives The Highly Engaged Classroom. The authors designed this self-study text to provide an in-depth understanding of how to generate high levels of student attention and engagement. Using the suggestions in this book, every teacher can create a classroom environment where engagement is the norm, not the exception.

Part of The Classroom Strategies Series, this clear, highly practical guide follows the series format, first summarizing key research and then translating it into recommendations for classroom practice. Each chapter includes helpful exercises to reinforce the reader’s understanding of the content.

  • Presents relatable classroom stories that depict the presented strategies
  • Provides exercises and end-of-chapter proficiency scales to help readers assess and reinforce understanding
  • Includes an appendix that clearly explains the concept of effect size
  • Offers an appendix of unusual information to help teachers engage students in content
  • Includes an appendix of planning questions teachers can use to implement the presented strategies
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