• The Well-Balanced Teacher: How to Work Smarter and Stay Sane Inside the Classroom and Out, Sep/2010

The Well-Balanced Teacher: How to Work Smarter and Stay Sane Inside the Classroom and Out, Sep/2010

Author(s) Mike Anderson
ISBN10 1416610693
ISBN13 9781416610694
Format Paperback
Pages 152
Year Publish 2010 September


While there are already loads of books about how to deal with stress and take care of your health, at last here’s one that takes into account a teacher’s heavy workload and busy lifestyle. The author, an experienced teacher himself, avoids the blithe simplicity of typical “self-help” books to give you factual evidence, realistic steps, and straight-talk advice you can use immediately to:

  • Take better care of your basic needs, such as healthy food, hydration, sleep, exercise, and emotional and spiritual refreshment.
  • Cultivate positive connections with other people, in and outside of school.
  • Make a positive difference through your work while keeping your role and impact on your school in perspective.
  • Keep the energy and passion for your work alive, even when things don’t go well.

  • Create healthy routines for your work and your life outside of school.
    So instead of always shoving your personal needs into the background, here’s your chance to address them head-on and do a better job for your students by taking better care of yourself.