• The Differentiated School: Making Revolutionary Changes in Teaching and Learning

The Differentiated School: Making Revolutionary Changes in Teaching and Learning

Author(s) Carol Tomlinson, Kay Brimijoin, Lane Narvaez
ISBN10 1416606785
ISBN13 9781416606789
Format Paperback
Pages 239
Year Publish 2008 June


While there are lots of books with information on why and how to differentiate instruction, here at last is a book that gets to the heart of why some efforts to differentiate flop while others lead to sweeping, positive results. When it’s your job to support differentiated instruction in a single school or systemwide, you need the guidance from these leading experts who’ve distilled what they’ve learned in helping successful schools through the change process, including:

    ? Fifteen common misconceptions about differentiation
    ? Eight nonnegotiables that are essential to the implementation of differentiated instruction
    ? Ten factors that contribute to failure to change classroom practice
    ? Eight leadership lessons for accomplishing the change process
    ? Forms, survey, and checklists for monitoring and evaluating the change toward differentiation
    ? Ten characteristics of staff development practices that support differentiated instruction
Don’t let bad advice and common pitfalls doom your effort to differentiate instruction when you can get this practical guide with real-world advice straight from successful schools.