• The Best Schools: How Human Development Research Should Inform Educational Practice

The Best Schools: How Human Development Research Should Inform Educational Practice

Author(s) Thomas Armstrong
ISBN10 141660457X
ISBN13 9781416604570
Format Paperback
Pages 182
Year Publish 2006 November


While most of the dialogue in education today is about accountability, standardized testing, and adequate yearly progress, the truth is that student success is deeply connected to the physical, emotional, and cognitive needs that they have at different ages. The best schools already know this and follow practices that are academically engaging and developmentally appropriate. Now here's a book that looks at these schools and highlights the similarities of their programs. Discover how these schools help their students reach their true potential by using an approach to education that includes
    ? An emphasis on play for early childhood learning
    ? Theme- and project-based learning for elementary school students
    ? Active learning that recognizes the social, emotional, and cognitive needs of adolescents in middle schools
    ? Mentoring, apprenticeships, and cooperative education for high school students
Explore learning settings, pedagogical tools, and instructional approaches that any school can adopt to inspire students of all ages to discover their passion for learning.