• Building Student Literacy Through Sustained Silent Reading

Building Student Literacy Through Sustained Silent Reading

Author(s) Steve Gardiner
ISBN10 1416602267
ISBN13 9781416602262
Format Paperback
Pages 160
Year Publish 2005 October


Find out how a simple and inexpensive program of sustained silent reading--where students read independently during class time--can be a sure-fire way to improve student vocabulary development, literacy skills, and background knowledge.

Teacher-author Steve Gardiner updates you on the research studies that validate sustained silent reading as a successful way to help build the literacy skills of students at all ability levels, including ESL students.

With lots of classroom anecdotes, practical tips, and testimony from students, parents, and fellow teachers, this book gives you all the ideas and advice you need to get started:

    ? Why sustained silent reading belongs in a high-stakes testing school environment
    ? What students should read and how much time to allocate for reading
    ? How a sustained silent reading program promotes five essential reading skills
    ? Ways to make students accountable for what they read without adding to your paperwork
    ? Steps to starting and running a sustained silent reading program
    ? Tips for helping students who are struggling with sustained silent reading
    ? Ideas for connecting sustained silent reading to teaching writing