• Classroom Assessment: What’s Working in High Schools?

Classroom Assessment: What’s Working in High Schools?

Author(s) Edited by Anne Davies, Ph.D and Kathy Busick, Ph.D.
ISBN10 0973635290
ISBN13 9780973635294
Format Paperback
Pages 262
Year Publish 2007 January


Classroom Assessment: What’s Working In High Schools. In this two-book set, Anne Davies, renowned leader in the field of classroom assessment, and researcher/writer, Kathy Busick, have gathered the wisdom and expertise of twenty-two educators from Canada, the United States and Europe. The authors
are high school teachers from a variety of disciplines, and professionals in supporting roles. They offer a rich collection of practical classroom assessment ideas and solutions, as well as Blackline Masters. These books will benefit teachers, teacher-leaders, principals, and district administrators in their daily work, giving them the understanding and confidence to carry out the quality classroom assessment that will create and support successful lifelong learners.

Book One themes, "Beginning with Students" and "Learning Along with Students", introduce the dynamic process of assessment for learning by focusing on engaging students in planning for the learning destination,
co-constructing criteria and using feedback to strengthen their work.

Book Two themes, "Involving Students in Providing Proof of Learning" and "Reconsidering Marking, Grading and Reporting", continue the process by highlighting strategies for collecting and presenting evidence, as well as using criteria-based proof of learning to report student achievement according to required regulations. A summary of key research about classroom assessment is also featured.

About The Author:
Dr. Anne Davies is a noted author, consultant, and researcher. Anne applies her expert knowledge of developing quality classroom assessment practices toward her mission to "increase the possibility of learning for all our students." Educators at every grade level throughout Canada, the United States, and other countries have benefited from the high-touch support she provides during professional development events and multi-year projects.