• Charting a Course to Standards-Based Grading: What to Stop, What to Start, and Why It Matters, Aug/2016

Charting a Course to Standards-Based Grading: What to Stop, What to Start, and Why It Matters, Aug/2016

Author(s) Tim Westerberg
ISBN10 1416622632
ISBN13 9781416622635
Format Paperback
Pages 165
Year Publish 2016 August


What's the best way to ensure that grading policies are fair, accurate, and consistent across classrooms? How can schools transition to a grading system that better reflects what students are actually learning? Author Tim R. Westerberg makes this journey easier by offering a continuum of options, with four "destinations" on the road to improved grading and assessment.

  1. Destination 1 critically examines popular grading mechanisms and explains how they undermine objectivity and instead result in widely divergent grades for comparable work.
  2. Destination 2 invites educators to put assessment and grading into the larger context of a districtwide guaranteed and viable curriculum.
  3. Destination 3 brings parents and others on board with a multiyear implementation plan and community engagement strategies.
  4. Destination 4 involves a total rethinking of the nature and structure of school, leading to individualized education for all students.