• Communication Strategies For Successful Co-Teaching (Quick Reference Guide)

Communication Strategies For Successful Co-Teaching (Quick Reference Guide)

Author(s) Susan Hentz
ISBN10 1416625674
ISBN13 9781416625674
Format 3-Hole Punched, 3 Laminated Panels
Pages 6
Year Publish 2017 December


A successful co-teaching partnership is built upon effective communication, and investing the time and effort to build, develop, and nurture that partnership can enhance teacher experiences and increase student achievement. In this reference guide, Susan Hentz offers nine useful, easy-to-implement activities designed to improve communication and strengthen the working relationship between co-teachers. She also discusses conflict management strategies, behaviors for effective communication, and common communication roadblocks. Whether you’re new to co-teaching or intent on making the most of a long-standing partnership, the tips in this guide can help you work more smoothly with your co-teaching colleagues and in doing so create better learning experiences for students. 

About the Author:

Susan Hentz is an enthusiastic and talented presenter with more than 30 years of experience as an educator, author, speaker, coach, and education consultant. Susan works nationally with co-teachers, instructional coaches, educators, paraprofessionals, and administrators to assist them in implementing processes to improve student achievement. Her co-teaching professional development and coaching for sustaining improvement provides her with the opportunity to impact positive outcomes for not only students but also their administrators and co-teachers.