• The Perfect Assessment System, Mar/2017

The Perfect Assessment System, Mar/2017

Author(s) Rick Stiggins
ISBN10 1416623817
ISBN13 9781416623816
Format Paperback
Pages 120
Year Publish 2017 March


In The Perfect Assessment System, Rick Stiggins calls for the ground-up redevelopment of assessment in U.S. education. Speaking from more than 40 years of experience in the field, the author maps out the adjustments in practice and culture necessary to generate both accurate accountability data and the specific evidence of individual mastery that will support sound instructional decision making and better learning in the classroom. He addresses

  1. Assessment purpose
  2. Learning targets to be assessed
  3. Assessment quality
  4. Communication of assessment results
  5. Assessment impact

If you want to explore assessment’s true potential to enhance both school quality and student well-being, join the critical conversation about assessment and discover a course for a new system that promises much higher levels of student success at a fraction of our current testing costs.

About the Author:

Rick Stiggins is the founder and retired president of the Assessment Training Institute (ATI), a professional development company created and designed to provide teachers, school leaders, policy makers, and communities with the assessment literacy they need to face the assessment challenges that pervade American education today. ATI is now owned by Pearson Education. Stiggins and his ATI team have helped hundreds of thousands of teachers and school leaders across the country and around the world learn to gather accurate evidence of student achievement and use the assessment process and its results to support, rather than merely grade, student learning.