• The Power of Social Intelligence: 10 Ways to Tap into Your Social Genius

The Power of Social Intelligence: 10 Ways to Tap into Your Social Genius

Author(s) Tony Buzan
ISBN10 0722540485
ISBN13 9780722540480
Format Paperback
Pages 160
Year Publish 2002 June


"Tony Buzan will do for the brain what Stephen Hawking did for the universe".

Do you long to be at ease in social situations? To make friends easily and forge lasting relationships? By developing your social intelligence, you can understand and appreciate everyone you meet, what motivates them, what their personal needs are and how you can make them comfortable and pleased to be with you. This book shows you how to:

  1. Improve every aspect of your social skills, both in relationships and at work
  2. Become more confident
  3. Have a more active and successful social life
  4. Become a better communicator and a fearless public speaker