• Teaching for Deep Understanding: What Every Educator Should Know

Teaching for Deep Understanding: What Every Educator Should Know

Author(s) Kenneth Leithwood, Pat McAdie, Nina Bascia, Anne Rodrigue
ISBN10 1412926963
ISBN13 9781412926966
Format Paperback
Pages 216
Year Publish 2006 June


Empower students to reach new levels of thinking through teaching for deep understanding!

How do teachers successfully bridge the chasm between large numbers of very specific educational standards and deep understanding of important ideas? This well-researched text is based on the collaborative work between researchers and school practitioners to help answer this fundamental question.

The authors have drawn from the most up-to-date research to help teachers, curriculum developers, and school leaders discover how to implement and promote learner-centered, quality teaching strategies that encourage students’ understanding. Organized into five parts, this text systematically uncovers how to:

  1. Advance student learning using leading-edge research on powerful forms of instruction
  2. Foster metacogniton in students and encourage them to take control of their own learning
  3. Extend learning from academic thinking to real-world application across all disciplines
  4. Learn how to instill a culture of deep understanding among students while still meeting specific achievement standards found in most district and state curricula

This timely and accessible resource reveals how rethinking school curriculum and teaching for deeper knowledge transfer can help students take control of their own learning.

About The Author:
Dr. Leithwood is Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy at OISE/University of Toronto. His research and writing concerns school leadership, educational policy and organizational change. Dr. Leithwood has published more than 70 referred journal articles, and authored or edited more than thirty books. For example, he is the senior editor of both the first and second International Handbooks on Educational Leadership and Administration (Kluwer Publishers, 1996, 2003). His most recent books (all with Corwin Press) include Leadership With Teachers’ Emotions In Mind (in press), Making Schools Smarter (3rd edition, 2006) and Teaching for Deep Understanding (2006). Among his current research projects is a large, five-year, Wallace Foundation study, with colleagues, aimed at determining how state, district and school-level leadership influences student learning. Dr. Leithwood is the recent recipient of the University of Toronto’s Impact on Public Policy award.