• Educators as Learners: Creating a Professional Learning Community in Your School

Educators as Learners: Creating a Professional Learning Community in Your School

Author(s) Michael S. Castleberry, Penelope J. Wald
ISBN10 0871203669
ISBN13 9780871203663
Format Paperback
Pages 128
Year Publish 2000 February


If you're ever responsible for leading a school committee or a districtwide effort, here's an indispensable guide for developing teamwork, commitment, and a shared responsibility for success. Discover practical, field-tested insights and approaches to try in your next group experience:
    ? Key stages of the collaborative learning process;
    ? Leadership qualities that are essential to collaboration;
    ? Group practices and norms that support collaborative learning;
    ? Activities that uncover the diversity among group members and develop a trusting atmosphere; and
    ? Tools and methods for helping groups articulate a core purpose, identify their visions for success, and assess current realities that may affect a decision.
Also included are plans and strategies for developing ongoing staff development programs.